Digital Smile Design (DSD) is here…..
test drive your new smile before any treatment is done
Using the latest techniques in digital CAD-CAM (computer aided design-computer aided manufacture) dentistry and 3D printing technology, we work with you to create your ideal smile. You are able to test-drive the results BEFORE undergoing any treatment! Your smile is unique to you and incorporates so much more than just your teeth. When designing your improved smile we obviously look at your teeth, but do so in conjunction with your lips, mouth movement and overall facial shape.
Digital Smile Design
Detailed digital records are taken at the first appointment which are then used to create your new smile.
We will take various photographs of you smiling and at rest, along with some short videos. At this stage we really want to capture not only your teeth/smile but also your personality! Everyone moves differently when they speak, so it is important that we can see how your mouth moves in relation to your face when talking or laughing for example.
Have you ever looked at someone and straight away you know they have had dental work done? The teeth are too white, too big, uneven, mis-matched? We want your new smile to enhance your face while blending in naturally and seamlessly.
In addition to the photographs and video clips, we will also take an intra-oral scan of your teeth which allows the new changes to be designed with millimetric precision.

Now the Magic Happens!

Whereas before you would have to rely on the clinician’s skill and understanding to design your improved smile, and the laboratory technician to do his best to manually recreate the teeth (with some inevitable differences). Now with the new digital technology the design and manufacture is done using the highest level of precision, meaning the final restorations are exactly the same as those you tried in.
Really; you will be able to see exactly what you are going to look like when the treatment is complete, before you have the treatment done!
Call us on (03) 9850 1933 for more information.